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Office Hotel

Planning of urban hotel in an existing structure, evacuated from the National Insurance head offices. the existing building was purchased by entrepreneur how already own a cute hotel nearby. The site is in a central location in Haifa Down Town We...

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Office Hotel

Planning of urban hotel in an existing structure, evacuated from the National Insurance head offices. the existing building was purchased by entrepreneur how already own a cute hotel nearby. The site is in a central location in Haifa Down Town We...

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Hotel in Jaffa st’ – in Haifa

Plans for hotel close to Ben-Gurion st' (a touristic attraction) and the port. It is urban hotel with around 80 rooms.

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Bustan Hagalil Touristic Compound

In the Western Galilee of Israel, Planed for a countryside hotel, and car parking, next to the Bahá’ís most sacred place called Bahjí Garden, which was also inscribed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. The town plan of 90 D',...

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Haifa down town experiences a renewal process. The actual site location is in the fringes of the arising zone. Many years back, an entrepreneur started to build a project in Ein-Dor st' in Haifa down town and managed...

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Commercial Center Oskar 7

OSCAR7 is a A local commercial and shopping center  within a relatively new neighborhood in Haifa. With underground car parking, local supermarket, and mixed use (coffee shop, bakery, food store, health centre, offices, act'). Design in cooperation with intertior desginer Arik...

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Pre School Education Centre

A coplex for 4 classes day care and 4 classes for kindergartens

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Kindergarten – Ramat Alon

Education complex includs: 4 classes for childrens day care, and 4 classes of kindergarten on the upper floor. Each institution operates seperatly and indipendently.

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Bat galim promenade

A building-Landscape design, for a promenade on the north shore of Bat Galim in Haifa.

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